New doctoral students

We are pleased to welcome Alexander Schulz and Maximilian Meyer at the CVT starting in February.
While Alexander Schulz is involved in the MTET program, Maximilian Meyer is working in the SFB 1441 TrackAct.

Project within CRC1441

We are pleased to announce that we are part of the 2nd funding period of the CRC1441 "Tracking the active site of catalysis". As announced by the DFG, the CRC will be funded for four more years.

New Masters course: Computer Aided Reactor Design

Registration is now open for the new Masters course Computer Aided Reactor Design (CARD).  The lecture will cover the theory of numerical modelling of chemical reactors, which will be put into practice by the students in the accompanying training sessions.

A Numerical Study on the Influence of Confining Walls on Drag and Heat Transfer Coefficients in Single-Particle Lab-Scale Reactors
New publication in Chemie Ingenieur Technik (CIT)

New publication by Philipp Reinold on the influence of the confining walls on flow and heat transport in a single-particle reactor. Based on CFD simulations, a new correlation was derived to correct for the wall effects. Further Information. 07.10.2024

Influence of the macropore structure on heat and mass transfer inside catalytic washcoats
Poster award at the International CataLysis Networking Conference 2024

Martin Kutscherauer wins a poster award at the International CataLysis Networking Conference 2024 in Pforzheim with his poster "Influence of the macropore structure on heat and mass transfer inside catalytic washcoats". Further Information. 26.09.2024

CVT Hiking day

The CVT hiking day in the Murgtal took place in beautiful, sunny late summer weather. The tour took us through the Ätzenbachtal to Schloss Eberstein , where we were able to enjoy the beautiful view of the area from the castle terrace. 19.09.2024

Spray dried Ni-Co bimetallic catalyst;Dry Reforming of Methane (DRM)
Turning greenhouse gases into valuable feedstock

New publication from a collaboration between KIT, TU Clausthal and the Uni Bremen on developing a highly efficient Ni-Co catalyst for Dry Reforming of Methane (DRM). A specific Ni40Co60 composition exhibits exceptional DRM activity and shows promising features for induction heating.

Portrait Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gregor D. WehingerCVT
Inaugural lecture by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gregor D. Wehinger on 09 July 2024

As part of the faculty colloquium of the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gregor D. Wehinger will give his inaugural lecture on "Multiscale studies for a sustainable chemical engineering" (held in German). The event will take place on 09.07.2024 from 17:30-18:30 in the Engler-Bunte-Hörsaal (Geb. 40.50). Further information.

Achema 2024 LogoAchema
CVT visits ACHEMA 2024

The Institute of Chemical Process Engineering visited Achema in Frankfurt a. M. on June 12, 2024 with 15 students from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering. Achema is the world's largest process industry trade fair for chemical engineering, process technology and biotechnology. The companies Sulzer, Ekato and B.E.S.T Fluidsysteme (Swagelok) gave exclusive insights into current technology and future applications. Many thanks for the guided tours and the diverse impressions.

Martin Kutscherauer graduates summa cum laude

With his outstanding doctoral thesis on "Particle-resolved CFD simulation of catalytic fixed bed reactors for maleic anhydride production", Martin Kutscherauer has completed his doctorate at Clausthal University of Technology. The CVT would like to congratulate him on this excellent achievement.
(f.l.t.r. Gerhard Mestl (Clariant), Martin Kutscherauer, Thomas Turek (TU Clausthal), Gregor Wehinger)

Particle-resolved computational fluid dynamics;PRCFD;Conjugated heat and mass transfer;Heterogeneous catalysis;Catalytic fixed-bed;Inter- and intra-particle transport
New publication in the journal Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics

As part of his doctorate, Martin Kutscherauer published a new method for coupling CFD with reaction and transport in porous catalysts. The method enables the simulation of catalytic fixed bed reactors independent of effective transport parameters and is perfectly suited for detailed analysis and improvement of catalyst design. More via this link.

New publication in Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer

 The paradigm of the fixed bed is broken: RFID tags enable non-invasive temperature measurements in fixed bed reactors without disturbing the bed structure! Link to the paper:

Merry Christmas

The Institute of Chemical Process Engineering wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Local structure effects on hydrodynamics in slender fixed bed reactors: Spheres and rings; Chemical Engineering Journal; publication; Flaischlen; Wehinger
First publication at CVT with Prof. Wehinger

The first paper with the new affiliation at CVT has been published in the prestigious Chemical Engineering Journal. In the research paper, fixed-bed reactors with small tube-to-particle ratios were studied both experimentally and with CFD simulations. The article is currently freely available here.

The CVT team 10/2023

The working group of the Institute of Chemical Process Engineering jointly celebrated the inauguration of Prof. Wehinger as the new head of the institute on October 04, 2023.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gregor WehingerCRC144
New institute's Director

Prof. Gregor Wehinger becomes the new head of the Institute of Chemical Engineering on October 01, 2023.