Lecture program
The range of courses offered by the Institute of Chemical Process Engineering is predominantly aimed at the bachelor's and master's degree programs in chemical engineering and process engineering. The institute offers the specialization "Chemical Process Engineering" in the master's program. A first overview is given in this document. Further details on the individual courses can be found in the module handbook on the website of the KIT service unit Study and Teaching here. In addition to lectures, accompanying exercises and lab courses, final theses are offered on an ongoing basis.
Exam information
Exam information on Chemische Verfahrenstechnik (in German)
Information on the bachelor's exam Chemische Verfahrenstechnik is compiled in this document.
Exam information on "Kinetik und Katalyse" (in German)
Information on the master´s exam "Kinetik und Katalyse" can be found in this document.
Oral examination
Please note the information described in this document on exam procedures of the master's program at the Institute of Chemical Process Engineering.
General information is further accessible on the homepage of the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering.
Information on oral exams in Chemical Process Engineering (Chemische Verfahrenstechnik) (Bachelor)
Students who have failed a written CVT examination for the second time must take an oral exam in which a final decision is made on whether they have passed the examination. The date of the exam is set by the CVT secretariat. It can only be postponed in the event of illness. In this case, a medical certificate must be submitted as soon as possible. For further details see StPO §9 and §10.
The students to be examined must arrive punctually on the date notified. No separate registration or similar is required. The student ID card must be presented.
The oral exam usually lasts 20 minutes. No aids are permitted for the oral exam.
You will be asked basic facts from the entire examination material. For this purpose, short tasks are set which are not necessarily based on the written examination tasks.